Today, the first China Intelligent Materials and Structural Systems Conference is held in Wuzhong
Updated on:2023-11-21  【Print this page】  【Close

Today (October 28th)
The First China Conference on Intelligent Materials and Structural Systems
Held at the Taihu Lake International Convention Center in Suzhou
More than a thousand people from all over the country
Industry leaders and experts in the field of intelligent materials and structural systems
Gather beside the Taihu Lake Lake
Talking about Intelligent Materials and Structural Systems Together
New momentum, new advantages, and new challenges

Du Shanyi, honorary chairman of the conference and academician of the CAE Member, Xu Nanping, academician of the CAE Member, Jiang Lei, academician of the CAS Member, Zhang Tongyi, academician of the CAS Member, Guo Wanlin, academician of the CAS Member, Zhou Ji, academician of the CAE Member, Cui Tiejun, academician of the CAS Member, Leng Jinsong, chairman of the conference and academician of the CAS Member;
Gu Haidong, member of the Standing Committee and Executive Vice Mayor of Suzhou Municipal Committee, and Xu Jiming, Director of the Municipal Science and Technology Bureau;
Ding Lixin, Secretary of the Wuzhong District Committee, Zhang Wei, Deputy District Mayor, and relevant department heads of the district attended the opening ceremony of the conference.

Intelligent materials integrate knowledge from multiple disciplines such as physics, chemistry, biology, and engineering, revealing a new world of materials with broad application prospects in many fields. The current round of technological revolution and industrial transformation is accelerating and evolving. China has shifted to a stage of high-quality development, building a modern economic system, and creating a new landscape of a better life. There is an urgent need for strong support from emerging intelligent materials and technologies. Emerging intelligent materials will be deeply integrated with artificial intelligence technology, with the characteristics of multifunctional integration such as self perception, self driving, self learning, and self repair, laying a solid foundation for the implementation of intelligent structural systems. We are following the "four orientations" as the fundamental principle, focusing on major material science and key technology issues in the development of "strategic products, strategic industries, and future technology", strengthening the layout of strategic structural materials, strategic functional materials, and cutting-edge new materials, building a material science support platform, leveraging the strategic and fundamental role of material research in economic and social development, and building a national core strategic scientific and technological force in the field of materials.

This conference invited numerous industry experts and scholars to jointly explore the issues of smart materials, share research results, and jointly promote the development of smart materials.

Since the concept of intelligent materials was proposed in the late 1980s, a large amount of research has been conducted both domestically and internationally, and has been widely applied in fields such as aerospace, aviation, navigation, vehicle engineering, intelligent manufacturing, biomedicine, flexible electronics, and robotics. Nanjing University of Aeronautics and Astronautics has applied piezoelectric sensors to health monitoring and life prediction of large and complex structures; Harbin Institute of Technology, based on shape memory polymer materials and intelligent structure design, has achieved the controllable dynamic deployment of the Chinese flag for the first time on the Tianwen 1 Mars probe landing platform, making China the first country in the world to apply shape memory polymer intelligent structures to deep space exploration engineering.

In 2018, the China Association for Science and Technology listed "the deep integration of artificial intelligence technology and new intelligent composite materials" as one of the 60 major scientific and engineering challenges of "hard bone". In order to better meet the major national engineering and social needs, the China Intelligent Materials and Structural Systems Conference is being held. We hope that experts can exchange ideas, contribute wisdom, and discuss the new driving forces, advantages, and challenges of intelligent materials and structural systems.

In recent years, Suzhou has fully, accurately, and comprehensively implemented the new development concept, focusing on promoting high-quality development, and its main economic indicators have remained at the forefront of cities in the country. Since the beginning of this year, Suzhou has continued to maintain a stable and healthy development trend, focusing on the four leading industries such as advanced materials, as well as 25 key sub sectors such as intelligent vehicle networking and advanced metal materials. Among them, three industrial clusters including nano new materials have been selected as national advanced manufacturing clusters. The advanced materials industry is an important foundation for supporting the development of the national economy. Major innovative carriers in the field of advanced materials, such as the Institute of Nanotechnology of the Chinese Academy of Sciences and the Yangtze River Delta Advanced Materials Research Institute, have gathered in Suzhou. The Suzhou Research Institute of Harbin Institute of Technology has settled in Wuzhong, and all Chinese C9 universities have achieved significant layout in Suzhou. In 2022, the scale of Suzhou's advanced materials industry reached 1.06 trillion yuan, making it the third trillion level industry in Suzhou after the electronic information and intelligent equipment industries.

I hope that attending academicians and experts can not only share their insights but also provide valuable suggestions for the development of related industries in Suzhou. Suzhou will continue to provide first-class services and factor guarantees for academic exchange, talent development, and economic and trade activities. We sincerely invite all guests to pay attention to Suzhou, deeply cultivate Suzhou, and work together to create a better future.

Paradise Suzhou, the most beautiful Wuzhong. Wuzhong District is located in the core area of the Yangtze River Delta, with superior ecological endowment, profound cultural heritage, and solid industrial foundation. In recent years, Wuzhong District has vigorously implemented the development strategy of "strengthening the industry and leading innovation", and the "3+3+3" modern industrial system in the entire district has been continuously strengthened. At the same time, we are accelerating the gathering of high-end innovative resources. A number of leading institutions, including Harbin Institute of Technology Suzhou Research Institute, Suzhou Intelligent Manufacturing Research Institute, Nanjing University Intelligent Robotics Research Institute, Jiangsu Research Institute of Information and Communication Technology Institute, and Suzhou Branch of CCID Research Institute, have successively landed in Wuzhong. The number of selected national level talents in the entire region has doubled for two consecutive years.

This conference is a high-level platform for in-depth exchanges among top experts and scholars in the field of intelligent materials and structural systems nationwide. It will input new concepts, models, and technologies into the development of advanced materials and other industries in Wuzhong, bringing new resources, experiences, and development. I hope that experts, scholars, and young talents will continue to pay attention to Wuzhong and actively participate in the construction of Wuzhong's advanced materials industry cluster. Wuzhong will always adhere to the concept of "responding to every request and interfering with everything", provide first-class services, create the best environment, and join hands in the wave of technological innovation to sail and pursue dreams together!
