2023 Medical Device Economic Information Conference
Updated on:2023-09-25  【Print this page】  【Close

On September 25th, the 2023 Medical Device Economic Information Conference was held in Nansha, Guangzhou, hosted by the Institute of Medical Economics under the State Administration of Drug Administration and organized by the Medical Economy Daily. The 1000 person conference venue is extremely popular, and experts and industry operators from various parts of the medical machinery industry gather across the country to discuss high-quality development opportunities for the medical equipment, consumables, and equipment industry during the 14th Five Year Plan period. Comprehensively presenting the development path of scientific, legal, international, and modern medical device supervision, directly addressing the industry pain points and gaining insight into the direction of high-quality development. Leng Jinsong, academician of the Chinese Academy of Sciences, attended the conference and delivered a speech on 4D printing structure and smart composite materials.

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